An evening out with Olga - Reisverslag uit Tokio, Japan van Felissa Markhorst - An evening out with Olga - Reisverslag uit Tokio, Japan van Felissa Markhorst -

An evening out with Olga

Door: Felissa

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Felissa

27 Maart 2014 | Japan, Tokio

It's almost time for me to leave, which gives me an extremely sad feeling. However I will cherish these last moments and Olga and I planned a day out.

Even though we planned a nice day out, it turned out a little bit differently, because we took longer than expected at the bunkyo ward office. Before leaving we had to change our address and hand in our insurance cards. It went pretty smoothly, but it's just time consuming. We couldn't go to the park anymore, even though we wanted to replace that activity for going to the game center instead, since it was raining.

We went to Shibuya directly where I could finally eat after not having eaten all day long. In the morning I took some of the food out of the fridge, because I want to finish as many things as possible, but it didn't look too tasty, so I threw it out. In the afternoon I didn't have time, because I wanted to meet up with my friend and we went to the ward office afterwards.

Olga forgot her passport however, so we had to walk back again. We felt a little bit lazy and it's not really because of walking, but taking the same road all the time is just boring.. We didn't really have choice and walked it anyway :p

When we arrived in Shibuya we went to the lock up. Olga had made a reservation, which I think is so cool :D I don't have a phone and even if I did it would still be scary to try it ;)

When we arrived we had to go into a creepy looking door and went into an even creepier place. We didn't know whether someone was coming to pick us up or not and tried calling "sumimasen" with shaky voices. Of course there was no response. I couldn't take the stress anymore after seeing one of the arms that stuck out of the bars moving. We walked outside again and I looked at the poster. All I could read was "good luck"... After reading that we went back in again and gathered our courage to just walk through the hallway full of terror.

Because I had gone up front in Odaiba's haunted house, I asked Olga to do it this time. I held on to her jacket as we walked on. We were screaming our way through shortly afterl, because things made loud souds, started lighting up and moving as we walked there. When we arrived we found a door, but after that experience we weren't too eager to open that door. We gathered our courage once more and when we walked in we were happy to see a human being. The lady was dressed up in a sexy police outfit and asked who wanted to be handcuffed. Olga was cuffed and we were taken to our seat.

The menu looked great and we ordered some creepy looking cocktails and cool looking food. We thought that was it, until we were startled by the sudden darkness. Olga and I grabbed on to each other. We heard people screaming and some weird and loud music with a creepy voice, talking about monsters and all... We didn't know what was going to happen until the monsters came with their creepy masks to scare us.. Because you're sitting in a little corner that is closed off except for one side you really experience the feeling of being locked up and afraid. I was sitting next to that open side and all the monsters were with their faces near me. Some also jumped on the grill or put their heads in the little space between the grill and "ceiling".

I screamed so much and just dived into Olga. One time one scared the hell out of me and when I looked up, because I thought it was over the monster had his head on the grill, so I was staring him in the face.. Of course that was freaking scary!!!!

When it was done Olga lost her chopstick, but I later found it under one of the plates :P I guess that happens when you attack the plate during a hyped up scaredy-cat reaction. We started eating again and when we finished all the food, we wanted to try some more cocktails. They looked so amazing!! One of the things we ordered was a shot in the form of a pill. We didn't know whether we could eat/drink the pill itself, but it melted on our tongues so it was probably okay. Olga suddendly made this ieuw-like face and I was like "what's wrong" to make the same face one second later :p That was like the dirtiest thing EVER!!! The cocktails however were very good and of course interesting!! Especially my cannabalism cocktail! Olga's chemistry kit cocktail was also superb and we had so much fun with it!!

We pushed the button to ask for the bill, but then the lights went out again and just when we were about to go, we were attacked by the monsters again. This time there weren't that many that visited us, but one that was soooooooooooooooooooooooo creepy came so close to me and even touched me!!!! People believe me you don't want to know.... Olga laughed about my reaction afterwards. That was probably the weirdest scream ever. Of course we could laugh about it when the lights were on again.

Olga and I check out the toilet as well. She told me it was creepy, so I was quite curious. It was hard to find it, because the restaurant was a true maze and pretty dark, but the signs were visible with some concentration! At arrival I saw the thing I hate the most... Yes people a CLOWN!! Yikes.. I quickly walked to the toilet which was accompanied by a ghost that looks as if he's going to attack you, so yeah.. Not really pleasant :P Some girls were afraid there would be something crazy going on in the toilet too and were literally hesitating to enter. I thought if there would be something like that Olga would've told me, so that helped! Nothing going on in there ;)

After this really special, fun and amazing experience, Olga and I did what we always enjoy! Going to karaoke!!!! Woop woop.. We sang our hearts out for 2 hours, which wasn't easy after all that screaming!! On the way home we kept singing anyways. I'm sure I'll be able to sleep well tonight!!

  • 28 Maart 2014 - 06:18


    Ooooo! Wat eng! Ik zou geen stem meer over hebben gehad en ik had het zeker in mijn broek gedaan. No way dat ik dat toilet in was gegaan.

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Hiya, Ik ben Felissa, 22 en studeer Engels aan de hogeschool Rotterdam. Ik zit nu momenteel in Tokyo, Japan. Dit is mijn minor en ik zal hier 7 maanden verblijven. (ik houd mijn dagboek bij in het Engels)

Actief sinds 31 Aug. 2013
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Totaal aantal bezoekers 11928

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27 Augustus 2013 - 29 Maart 2014

First time in Japan!!!!

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